STAAD Foundation Advanced Help

Creating a Mesh

Now we are ready to add the boundary and create the mesh.

  1. Select Mat Foundation Job > Mesh Generation > Meshing Setup in the Main Navigator pane.
    The Meshing Setup (Mat Foundation) opens in the Data Input pane.
  2. In the Main View window, select the rectangular boundary region created in the previous step.

    The boundary is highlighted in red.

  3. Select the Boundary option and specify a title for the boundary as the Region Identifier.
    Note: In this example project we will not create any holes in the mesh.
  4. Click the Add Region button to add the rectangular region as a meshing boundary.
  5. Select the Region Identifier name you entered from the Meshing setup tree.
  6. Specify a maximum element size of 12 inches.
  7. Click Generate Mesh.

    The Meshing Options dialog opens.

  8. Select the option for Quadrilateral Meshing since our boundary is rectangular. Leave other options as their default.
  9. Click OK. The mesh is automatically generated.